The SR06


The SR06 – Designed to perfection. For the World Finals 2014.


This is perfection. Safire Racing is taking part in the F1 in Schools World Finals for the third time, and here, we want to present our newest car, the SR06. This is the result of almost three years of work, innovation, and optimization. This is the SR06.

Now overall, this is the perfection of our Safire car concept that we have continued since the SR04. This means, especially the stability was an important aspect for us, and of course, the speed. We think, this is the best product to be seen, resulting from collaboration with many sponsors that help us produce and perfect the parts of the car, innovation that exceeds limits of F1 in Schools cars that were previously stumbled upon, and dedication that brings the most concentration to this project to show the world what a small team, but large company is able to achieve.

SR Drawing


We do want to show you some essential parts we have improved for the SR06:


The back wing

SR06 BackwingThe back wing and its support structure  is the most significant and innovative feature in the design of the SR06. The simple idea is to minimize the drag and let the air flow perfectly around the exhausting gas from the CO2 cartridge. This innovative back wing design is attached to the back chamber.





The front wing

SR06 Front WingSimilar to the back wing, the idea is also to achieve a perfect airflow. The air is split: half of it flows towards the bottom of the front wheel, enabling some more energy accelerating the car. We started using this wing design on the SR05, and have developed it further. The real innovative part about this is the actual manufacturing of the wing. But that’s our little secret…





The wheels

SR06 WheelsDuring the last SR car generations, we had several different ideas and concepts for our wheels that were intensely tested. Our sponsor DNA Filters from Greece let us test a new wheel design concept on our SR05 prototype. After a whole lot of testing, we were convinced to use this milled aluminium wheel for the SR06, having less weight and changing the momentum for a better rotation.





This is the SR06. The best we’ve ever created and maybe even one of the best the world will ever see. Stay tuned on our Facebook page, and our Social Hub for all the latest from the F1 in Schools World Finals in Abu Dhabi, and the SR06.