Safire Racing Team 2012
This is the first Safire Racing team, and the people that founded this amazing project.
1. Laurenz Bissada – Born in September, 1997, in Cologne, Germany – Team manager
Laurenz is our central brain, and, as our team manager, he has the most responsibility upon us all. He works extremely hard and eagerly takes care of all processes of the team. He works together will all other team members, especially the resource manager, to ensure progress of the whole project. He designed the initial car concept with the technical designer, after which the graphics designer contributed to the process. He also needs to make sure that all sort of communication, including this website, and marketing works with the head of IT and communication.
2. Till Blaha – Born in March 1998, in Wiesbaden, Germany – Technical Designer
As our technical designer, Till will be able to tell you about every single shape of our car concept and how it evolved after a long period of time and hard brainstorming. His main duty was to create the initial concept and develop it together with all other team members. After the car design is now complete, it is still in priority to keep all computer generated 3D models and prepare them for any sort of presentation on media devices.
3. Cara Bissada – Born in February, 1995, in Cologne, Germany – Resource Manager
Being our resource manager, Cara has the responsible job, among other things, of taking care of time and financial management. A close collaboration with all team members, especially the team leader, is mandatory here.
4. Dalia Abdelrahman – Born in December, 1996, in Cairo, Egypt – Graphics Designer
Dalia will be able to tell you all about every color we chose in either our logo, the uniform, or on the car itself. Especially, she will make you understand why our car design and the colors we chose make it so georgeous and absolutely outstanding. In close collaboration with the head of IT and communication, website designs and photographs have to be discussed and realized.
5. Christopher Land – Born in March, 1995, in Bad-Tölz, Germany – Head of IT and Communication
Chris is responsible for the complete website and Facebook management (YouTube is managed by our team manager), as well as any communication outwards towards sponsors, or further contacts. Including, marketing management is an important role for the whole team. Close collaboration with the entire team is therefore mandatory to keep all interests updated towards any contact. Internal communication is also an important aspect to keep the project running. Systems have been set up for that. Furtheron, Chris creates the presentations for individual sponsors and for the competitions, and creates many of the video scenes for the pit display, aswell as for other purposes.
As mentioned, we do all still work on everything together, so that no job is left alone with one person. Our different age groups are a great experiment to learn from each other, and believe us – also the older team members are learning from the younger. The whole project is an absolute experience for all of us, no matter if it regards designing a car concept, managing communication resources, such as a website and getting it out into the public, or preparing a perfect presentation all together for the jury to be astonished.
Don’t hesitate to contact one of us individually with our mail adresses: firstname[dot]lastname[at]safireracing[dot]com